After much research on how to change the outgoing port that I can authenticate through POP on for my MySite VPS, it is not practical. I was finally able to change it after editing /etc/services and changing smtp from 25 to 26 for tcp/upd. Then restarted the server. Ok great now I can pop in through port 26, problem being, I cant receive email. Now what is the point of going through a port to send email if no one can respond. No bounce back, no maillog entry, just nothing (it may have bounced but I wasn't going to wait for it). It appears the problem is when incoming mail checks for the mx records from port 25 and there is no response it does not deliver. Long story short, if you want to add another port to connect to, cool, do it. Add in two new lines into the services files called smtp-local on which ever port you need, one for tcp, and one for udp. Then create a new file in the xinetd.d directoy called sendmail-local, and place the contents of the sendmail file into the file but change the first line to service smtp-local . Restart the server and you now can connect through a new port. This helps when your ISP is blocking port 25. (These instructions are only based off my experience with my MySite VPS running fedora core 5, so don't take my word for it

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